Sunday, June 12, 2005

Long sunday run

Sunday is the traditional day to have a long run, isn't it?

But as usual with the best laid plans of mice and me.
My daughters doing an 800m race in the schools sports day in a week or so and wanted some practice.
Her major problem being not knowing how far 800m is (the youth of today, what do they learn at school....mumble, grumble) .

Anyway I know a small park which is nice and flat and just under 800m around the perimeter path.

We ran around together nice and slow,
I ran around fast as she timed,
She ran around fast as I timed,
Then me again,
and then together nice and slow.

Only about 2miles in total, but I really enjoyed it.

We were so full of beans afterwards, that this afternoon I actually did some gardening!
The grass was so long the mower wasn't man enough so I had to borrow a strimmer, and the hedges - well, you can imagine.


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